The Chad Ochocinco Rule
So let's look at the minor rule amendment first before delving into the more complicated fantasy draft change. The original Canons included a rule to include name changes of NFL players. Thanks to Chad Johnson changing his name to Chad Ochocinco we have had the current Chad Ochocinco fantasy rule in place. Section II.B.(2) currently reads:(2) The Chad Ochocinco fantasy rule also applies: i.e., if an NFL player changes their name in season it does not negate this fantasy league rule. If the same player was started 3 times total in the fantasy season and fantasy playoffs combined they are not eligible for developmental status regardless of a mid season name change of the NFL player. For example it does not matter that the NFL player Chad Johnson/Ochocinco was started 4 times as “Chad Johnson” and then only started 2 times as “Chad Ochocinco” in fantasy play. The same NFL player was therefore started a total of 6 times in fantasy play during that one season and therefore ineligible for developmental status as “Chad Ochocinco."

(2) The Chad Ochocinco fantasy rule also applies: i.e., if an NFL player changes their name in season it does not negate this fantasy league rule. If the same player was started 3 times total in the fantasy season and fantasy playoffs combined they are not eligible for developmental status regardless of a mid season name change of the NFL player. For example it does not matter that the NFL player Chad Johnson/Ochocinco was started 4 times as “Chad Johnson” and then only started 2 times as “Chad Ochocinco” in fantasy play. The same NFL player was therefore started a total of 6 times in fantasy play during that one season and therefore ineligible for developmental status as “Chad Ochocinco." If a given NFL player changes his name multiple times, for example, "Chad Ochocinco" changes his name back to "Chad Johnson" this will not affect the total number of starts in fantasy play. No matter what nomenclature is imposed upon an NFL player in a given season, no matter how many times it changes, the same NFL player cannot be considered having had less fantasy play starts because of the name changes.Keeper League Draft Order
The regular reader of the Brothers Keeper blog and League Message board will no doubt be familiar with the major discussion and proposal that took place concerning the determination of the fantasy draft order. The old language of Section II.E. of The Canons of Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League read:
Section E: The Keeper League Draft Order: In an effort to prevent people from neglecting or throwing their playoff and consolation bracket games the next season’s draft order is subject to the previous season’s playoff results:While this scenario was ideal for our purposes under the playoff rule that we used to operate under, namely, an 8 team 3 week playoff, it no longer is advisable for the current 6 team 3 week playoff format. Let us mourn the passing of a great and fair rule.
1st pick = 10th Place (Worst regular season record)
2nd pick = 9th Place (2d worst regular season record)
3rd pick = 5th Place (Winner of Consolation bracket)
4th pick = 6th Place (Loser of 5th place game)
5th pick = 7th Place (Winner of 7th place game)
6th pick = 8th Place (Loser of 7th place game)
7th pick = 3rd Place (Winner of 3rd place game)
8th pick = 4th Place (Loser of 3rd place game)
9th pick = 2nd Place (Loser of league championship)
10th pick = 1st Place (League Champion)
The Canons of Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League will now reflect an appropriate Section II.E. revision:
Section E: The Keeper League Draft Order: In order to keep Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League as competitive as possible on a year to year basis, an unbiased draft order from a previous fantasy football season's results must be generated and utilized thus creating parity and avoiding disparity. Parity in a fantasy football keeper league must be defined as an honest attempt to create an equal playing field for all league participants through the fantasy draft prior to any given fantasy season thus allowing all teams the chance to acquire roughly equivalent levels of talent. This assumes that a poor fantasy football performance by a keeper league team in any given year is based largely on the low level of talent of the NFL players on that keeper league team acquired via the draft prior to that year. As demonstrated by research forming the Brothers Keeper Ideal Draft Value Chart, assuming perfect market efficiency, fantasy drafts reward the teams who pick earlier rather than later in a snake draft. Therefore determining a keeper fantasy football draft order is a very important aspect in keeping league play competitive over the course of time. We must reward poorer fantasy football keeper league teams through an advantageous draft position and place better performing fantasy football keeper league teams with a less advantageous draft position. As a result of careful analysis, it has been determined that 3 Factors based on the previous season's results should be considered in order to create the Brothers Keeper draft order in the successive year. These 3 Factors are: (1) The Final Standings Rank (after the playoffs have concluded); (2) Total Team Fantasy Points Scored During the Regular Season Matchups; (3) Regular Season Winning Percentage. Utilizing these 3 Factors from the previous season's fantasy play, an equation using the league average and standard deviation of each factor must then be generated in order to rank all the league's teams following simple conversions of the statistics used as detailed on A 2011 Brothers Keeper Draft Order Discussion and Proposal. If the previous year's league champion is not the last pick in the draft following this equation, the draft order equation results will be amended by placing the league champion at the end of the draft order. All remaining draft picks will reamin in the same order as indicated by the 3 Factor Draft Order Equation.Wrap Up
If further details are requested of the League Historian's reporting on the 2011 Offseason Update, please feel free to contact me via email. Please also consult the League Commissioner. These updates are not in cement or free from being revised.
Well, there you have it folks. Consider yourself duly informed of The Canons of Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League 2011 Offseason Update which you will now see on the Canons page. Good luck on your future fantasy football success.
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