FF & NFL News

This is still a work in progress but it now has content that I did not have before. Some more may be added or removed or reformatted. My hope is that it will be as close as possible to a one stop-shop page you'll monitor on a regular basis.

This first widget will take you to my paper.li that I edit. I have named it The Brothers Keeper Evening Star in the hopes that it is updated each evening with that day's content. So have a look. I might not maintain it all season or year long, but I definitely will do so on the days I have time to read.

The next two clips are from my own Google Reader subscriptions. One is for general NFL News and the other is more fantasy football content. However my fantasy football content folder puts out a lot of generic NFL News too. But this is the edited reading that I pull from for my paper.li The Brothers Keeper Evening Star. So if you wondered if I am purposely leaving out content for my paper, you can scan the materials for yourself. As you should know I will add more subscriptions to various sites over time as more become known. While The Brothers Keeper Evening Star is selected material, this is the unedited material available. I hope this solves the dilemma between being either selective or providing the information en mass. At least it should keep me honest as an editor!

For a couple of other sites putting out selected content from around the web see the following:
Fantasy Football Librarian
Fantasy Rundown's Fantasy Football Daily Links
Fantasy News Network
Be sure to see Fantasy News Network's Fantasy Football Articles and Fantasy Football News.
Also, I highly recommend two items dedicated to injuries: Sports Reference and Will Carroll

During the season if you'd like to keep up to date with the Weather Conditions for the NFL games check out this widget: