I. League Settings
II. Keeper Draft Rules
III. Trades
IV. Team Transfers
V. League History
The rules and bylaws of this fantasy football keeper league are thusly dubbed The Canons of Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League. As such, we find the judgments and decisions therein just and readily fair and thus worthy of full acceptance. Their quality is of continual negotiation and amendment if it is deemed necessary by league the commissioner, league consensus, or by a majority of owners of Brothers Keeper. Further case by case regulations will be firmly rooted in these commandments as they arise. The intent of these Canons are for fair play and maximal enjoyment of the sport. It has been crafted and published in the utmost sobriety and detail and attention by the league historian in conjunction with the League Commissioner's blessing and oversight. May the good graces of this league be with all the teams and their owners and families for future success.
League Commissioner:
M Peltonen: SOCIAL ISoTopes (
Team Owners:
R Johnson: Simba’s Buttkicker! (
D Pilcher: Rmmm’s Golden Eagle (
D Kessler: Points ON the Bench (
B Garner: Ghost (hidden by request)
M R Smith: TheSloppyButts (
P Smith: Yer X-MOM (
J Smith: Yankinfowlsandfeline (
M Mohler: Forever Tide (
Former Team Owners:
J Fullerton: Kabuki Strikes Back (
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports
Max Moves: No maximum
Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum
Max Trades: No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 2
Trade End Date: December 3, 2010
[Updated 10/13/10]
Trade Review: League Votes
Waiver Time: 2 days
Waiver Type: Continual rolling list
Weekly Waivers: None
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules
Playoffs: Week 14, 15 and 16 (6 teams)
[Modified 10/3/10; Formerly 8 teams]
Divisions: No
Fractional Points: Yes
Negative Points: Yes
Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/R, K,
Offense League Value Yahoo! Default Value
Passing Yards 25 yards per point;
1 points at 250 yards;
2 points at 300 yards;
3 points at 350 yards;
Passing Touchdowns 6 4
Interceptions -2 -1
Rushing Yards 10 yards per point
Rushing Touchdowns 6
Receptions 1 0
Reception Yards 20 yards per point 10 yards per point
Reception Touchdowns 6
Return Yards 30 yards per point 0
Return Touchdowns 6
2-Point Conversions 2
Fumbles Lost -2
Offsv Fumble Return TD 6
Kickers League Value Yahoo! Default Value
Field Goals 0-19 Yards 3
Field Goals 20-29 Yards 3
Field Goals 30-39 Yards 3
Field Goals 40-49 Yards 4
Field Goals 50+ Yards 5
Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards -1 0
Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards -1 0
Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards -1 0
Field Goals Missed 40-49 Yards -1 0
Field Goals Missed 50+ Yards -1 0
Point After Attempt Made 1
Point After Attempt Missed -1 0
Defense/Special Teams League Value Yahoo! Default Value
Sack 1
Interception 2
Fumble Recovery 2
Touchdown 6
Safety 2
Block Kick 2
Points Allowed 0 points 10
Points Allowed 1-6 points 7
Points Allowed 7-13 points 4
Points Allowed 14-20 points 1
Points Allowed 21-27 points 0
Points Allowed 28-34 points -1
Points Allowed 35+ points -4
Section A: Rule Overview: Team owners are allowed 3 keepers and 1 developmental player from the previous year’s final roster for a total of 4 players maximum. A maximum or minimum number of players designated as keeper status is not required or mandatory. For example, one does not have to keep any players from their previous season’s final roster. It is also acceptable for a team to designate only 2 players as keepers. A team is not required to keep anyone but the maximum that can be designated as keeper status is 3 along with 1 developmental player for a grand total of 4 players.
(1) Exception to the general keeper rule's definition of "the previous year's final roster": An exception to this rule's definition of "the previous year's final roster" would be any offseason trades between two fantasy teams announced to the league and passing league approval but executed prior to the declaration of keepers for the next fantasy season. In this case, the final roster is not the only pool from which a player can be declared a keeper (please consult Section III.B. below for more details concerning the regulations and limitations of offseason trades).
(2) After team rosters are locked from transactions, free agents are not eligible to be designated as keepers or be involved in offseason trades. One could not declare a free agent as a keeper after the league championship and rosters are locked.
Section B: Developmental player definition: (1) A player is only eligible as developmental status if the player has started no more than a total of 3 fantasy starts (i.e., 3 or less fantasy starts) in the previous season ([a] “season” is defined as a fantasy season and fantasy playoffs combined [Note: In 2007 the League Commissioner stated “playoff games do not count.” Then in 2008 this was changed to include the fantasy playoffs along with the fantasy season in either a phone conversation with commissioner or on a league post.] [b] regardless of NFL starts and [c] regardless of fantasy team ownership (i.e. traded players or players picked as free agents after being dropped by another fantasy team). More than 3 fantasy league starts (that is, 4 fantasy starts or more) on any one or multiple fantasy teams combined in the previous fantasy season and playoffs combined will disqualify a player from developmental status.
(2) The Chad Ochocinco fantasy rule also applies: i.e., if an NFL player changes their name in season it does not negate this fantasy league rule. If the same player was started 3 times total in the fantasy season and fantasy playoffs combined they are not eligible for developmental status regardless of a mid season or offseason name change of the NFL player. For example it does not matter that the NFL player Chad Johnson/Ochocinco was started 4 times as “Chad Johnson” and then only started 2 times as “Chad Ochocinco” in fantasy play. The same NFL player was therefore started a total of 6 times in fantasy play during that one season and therefore ineligible for developmental status as “Chad Ochocinco.” Of course the same also applies if the player "Chad Ochocinco" changes his name back to "Chad Johnson." If a given NFL player changes his name multiple times, for example, "Chad Ochocinco" changes his name back to "Chad Johnson" this will not affect the total number of starts in fantasy play. No matter what nomenclature is imposed upon an NFL player in a given season, no matter how many times it changes, the same NFL player cannot be considered having had less fantasy play starts because of the name changes.
(3) If a player designated as a keeper is not started in fantasy play more than 3 times after already being designated as a keeper from the previous season that player can then become eligible to become a developmental status keeper in the next season.
[a] The Tom Brady Rule: If a player designated as a keeper is not started in fantasy play more than 3 times after already being designated as a keeper from the previous season due to injury that player can then become eligible to become a developmental status keeper in the next season. That means a player like Tom Brady who plays all fantasy season long in 2007, and then is designated as a keeper for the 2008 fantasy season but has 3 or less fantasy starts in 2008 can be eligible as a developmental keeper in 2009.
[b] The Michael Vick or Plaxico Burress Rule: If a player designated as a keeper is not started in fantasy play more than 3 times after already being designated as a keeper from the previous season due to incarceration or NFL suspension that player can then become eligible to become a developmental status keeper in the next season. This is the same as the Tom Brady Rule (II.B.3.a) but for idiot NFL players instead of victims of worker’s compensation.
[c] I’m sure more circumstances exist other than injuries (II.B.3.a), incarcerations (II.B.3.b), and NFL suspensions (II.B.3.b) where this rule could still apply (e.g., Brett Favre False Retirement Rule or the Ricky Williams “I want to take a break from the NFL in order to smoke marijuana” Rule or the Big Named Player got charged with rape Rule or the Big Named QB got into a motorcycle accident Rule etc.).
[d] If an NFL player is in an active spot on a fantasy team's roster during a bye week, meaning the player produces no fantasy points for an owner's team as a result of a bye (no other reason is acceptable), it does not count toward the fantasy player’s total number of fantasy starts on the season for that NFL player. No possibility existed for fantasy points to be earned therefore the fantasy owner is not penalized.
[e] If a player is in an active spot on the roster and does not play because of a suspension it still counts toward the player’s total number of fantasy starts for that year's fantasy season and playoffs.
[f] If a player is in an active spot on the roster and does not play because the NFL player is injured it still counts toward that player’s total number of fantasy starts on the fantasy season or playoffs.
[g] If a fantasy team in the 9th or 10th place does not make the fantasy playoffs in any fashion and has a player in an active fantasy roster spot it does not count toward that player’s total number of fantasy starts for the season. No possibility existed for fantasy points to be earned.
Section C: Keeper Player Draft Value: A player who is designated as a keeper will automatically be drafted at the same round position as the previous year’s draft if that was their first time being kept.
(1) This value is not changed if the team keeping the player (team Y) was not the same team who drafted the player in the previous year (team Z) by [a] trade or [b] midseason free agent acquisition. For example, if team A keeps player XYZ who was drafted in round 10 in 2007 for the 2008 season, player XYZ is to be team A’s 10th round draft pick in 2008.
(2) After the first time a player is designated as a keeper, if a team decides to keep a player designated as keeper from the previous season for a second consecutive season or more, the following season’s draft round value will lose a round for that fantasy player.
Continuing the previous example (in II.C.1) if team A wants to keep player XYZ for the 2009 season, player XYZ will be team A’s 9th round draft pick. If team A wants to keep player XYZ for the 2010 season, player XYZ will be team A’s 8th round draft pick.
(3) If more than one player who is designated as a keeper is to be drafted in the same round in a single fantasy season’s draft then one of the players designated as keeper will need to be valued at an earlier round at the fantasy team owner’s discretion.
For example team B wants to keep players MNOP and RSTU and they are both worth an 11th round draft pick then team B owner will be required to choose to have either MNOP or RSTU as the 10th round draft pick because both players cannot be drafted in the 11th round if designated as keepers. [a] If RSTU is chosen to lose a draft round value RSTU is now assigned a new draft round value for future drafts and no longer maintains the previous year’s draft value. For example team B decides to keep RSTU (10th round pick originally an 11th round pick value with MNOP) for a second year in a row but not MNOP (the 11th round pick) team B cannot make RSTU a 10th round pick in the second year RSTU is designated as a keeper because his original value was an 11th round pick. RSTU will be worth his new value as a 9th round pick since the previous season he was designated a 10th round draft pick by owner's choice.
[b] The exception to this rule is that all 1st round value fantasy players are to maintain their 1st round value. If one team has more than one player designated as keeper with 1st round value they will not give up an earlier round draft pick because there is no earlier rounds than 1st round. Therefore that team must give up the next round(s), namely, the 2d round draft pick and beyond. [i] It is conceivable that a team could accumulate and designate as keeper 4 players who are valued at a 1st round draft pick. Therefore that team would have to utilize its first 4 rounds of draft picks to be able to maintain the players that team has designated as keepers. [ii] However, if that team only keeps one player designated as a 1st round draft pick but was the 3rd round pick of the previous draft that player does not get a new designation as a 3rd round pick because its original keeper value was 1st round though necessity of 3 or more players were designated as keepers but had 1st round draft values.
(4) A player who is designated as a keeper from a team’s final roster but went undrafted in the previous season is worth a 15th round draft pick. [a] If two or more players are designated as a keeper by one team, that team must decide which of those players is going to be worth a 15th round draft pick and which will be a 14th round draft pick (and 13th or 12th round draft pick if more than two players who were undrafted are designated as keepers) as in the previous discussion of the keeper rule. [b] If a player was subject to rule II.C.4.a then II.B.3.a applies.
Section D: Keeper Player Declaration Date: A team must declare the players they designated as keepers to the League Commissioner of Brother’s Keeper by email, phone, or verbally in person by the date and time (CDT) determined by the Commissioner.
(1) The date shall be no less than one month after the NFL Superbowl but (2) must be at the minimum two weeks (14 days) prior to the beginning of the league draft date.
(3) Once a player is designated as a keeper it cannot be changed. The player(s) that were designated as keepers are therefore your players and all remaining non-keeper players from your roster will be placed into the free agent pool for the upcoming draft.
(4) After all the players designated as keepers are declared it shall be announced to the entire league which players were kept by each team and what their draft round values will be for their upcoming draft. This will assist each fantasy team owner’s draft preparation and therefore increase the speed at which the draft is executed.
(5) Since the League Commissioner is the one to whom keepers will be reported, the Commissioner will declare his players designated as keeper to two league team owners who shall not open their email until they tell the Commissioner who they are keeping from their team. This will prevent the Commissioner from having a competitive advantage by knowing the league’s keepers before declaring his own and prevent the players to whom he announces his keepers from having an advantage as well. The date of the email is the key witness that the League Commissioner has declared his keepers prior to seeing other teams keeper selections.
Section E: The Keeper League Draft Order: In order to keep Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League as competitive as possible on a year to year basis, an unbiased draft order from a previous fantasy football season's results must be generated and utilized thus creating parity and avoiding disparity. Parity in a fantasy football keeper league must be defined as an honest attempt to create an equal playing field for all league participants through the fantasy draft prior to any given fantasy season thus allowing all teams the chance to acquire roughly equivalent levels of talent. This assumes that a poor fantasy football performance by a keeper league team in any given year is based largely on the low level of talent of the NFL players on that keeper league team acquired via the draft prior to that year. As demonstrated by research forming the Brothers Keeper Ideal Draft Value Chart, assuming perfect market efficiency, fantasy drafts reward the teams who pick earlier rather than later in a snake draft. Therefore determining a keeper fantasy football draft order is a very important aspect in keeping league play competitive over the course of time. We must reward poorer fantasy football keeper league teams through an advantageous draft position and place better performing fantasy football keeper league teams with a less advantageous draft position. As a result of careful analysis, it has been determined that 3 Factors based on the previous season's results should be considered in order to create the Brothers Keeper draft order in the successive year. These 3 Factors are: (1) The Final Standings Rank (after the playoffs have concluded); (2) Total Team Fantasy Points Scored During the Regular Season Matchups; (3) Regular Season Winning Percentage. Utilizing these 3 Factors from the previous season's fantasy play, an equation using the league average and standard deviation of each factor must then be generated in order to rank all the league's teams following simple conversions of the statistics used as detailed on A 2011 Brothers Keeper Draft Order Discussion and Proposal. If the previous year's league champion is not the last pick in the draft following this equation, the draft order equation results will be amended by placing the league champion at the end of the draft order. All remaining draft picks will remain in the same order as indicated by the 3 Factor Draft Order Equation.
Section A. Trades within the fantasy season are subject to league vote and must be made before the posted trade deadline. The trade deadline is determined before each fantasy season begins and will be posted on the Yahoo! League "Scoring & Settings" link.
Section B. Offseason trades are also acceptable within the following confines: (1) No offseason trades can be made between two or more fantasy teams following the fantasy season trade deadline, through the league playoffs and championship unto the 1st day of the NFL Draft. The 1st day of eligible offseason trades between fantasy owners utilizing their final rosters from the previous fantasy season is the date of the first day of the NFL Draft. (2) Draft picks can be traded for players kept following the Keeper Declaration Date and throughout the fantasy draft. (3) All offseason trades are subject to league vote. (4) Once an offseason trade is agreed upon it is to be communicated to the League Commissioner who will issue an extended period of time to get league approval for the trade prior to its finalization.
Section C. Collusion between fantasy teams is strictly prohibited. The league is encouraged to exercise it's right to vote against a suspicious trade. If your trade is being voted against you may make a verbal protest for it's validity on the league message board for further discussion and presentation before resubmitting the trade for league vote.
Section D. The dumping of fantasy players for malicious purposes is also strictly prohibited. The league as a whole is to be honorable and not utilize the players dumped into the free agent pool. The League Commissioner reserves the right to exercise his authority to restore rosters and lock players/owners/GMs from accessing their team in the Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League.
Section A. In the event that a fantasy team's owner decides to exit the league and no longer participate in Brothers Keeper the following guidelines will detail that exit process whether it occurs mideseason or during the offseason. It is the goal of the league to fill the ownership position as soon as possible and maintain normative league activities as best as possible during that time in which a team is ownerless.
Section B. The Exiting Player's Responsibilities: If a fantasy team's player/owner/GM no longer wishes to continue to participate in the Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League please contact the League Commissioner as soon as possible in order for Brothers Keeper to arrange a replacement player/owner/GM. There are a number of things that the remaining league owners will need to decide before a replacement is offered to another person. Please be diligent toward the remaining Brothers Keeper owners in this regard. The last thing we would like to see is a time sensitive issue disrupt normative league activities like keeper declaration deadlines and drafts. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated and go a long way toward your consideration for a later re-entry into the Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League if it is sought out
Section C. The League Commissioner's Duties: Once the Commissioner is notified about a player/owner/GM's exit he will begin to offer the ownerless team to the remaining league owners in an orderly fashion before being replaced outright by a new owner. This process will begin as soon as possible.
Section D. The Remaining League Members Responsibilities: (1) The Commissioner will present to each remaining Brothers Keeper league owner the exclusive right to forfeit his own fully rostered team and gain control of the roster of the fantasy team that is now ownerless. If you do not wish to forfeit your roster you do not have to excercise the right to obtain that proffered ownerless team. As a result you must communicate your decision to the League Commissioner in a timely manner. Time can be issued by the Commissioner to research the decision before a final choice is made.
(2) Following the acquisition of an ownerless team by a remaining league player, the newly forfeited team will be offered to the remaining fantasy team owners to obtain at the forfeiture of their own team. If a new team is acquired in the offseason the new team that is obtained still retains its prior season's final standings and therefore it's next season's draft position. An owner who forfeits his team also forfeits his draft position. A roster will keep the same player pool for declaration and draft position going into the next season even if ownership changes.
(3) A player who has forfeited his team earlier in this process and wants to acquire another newly ownerless roster that was forfeited to acquire a free team, can obtain it after all the other teams are offered the free team. A league player is not limited in how many times they can forfeit their team for a new one. However each league player can only obtain a team at their appointed proffer following a waiver order detailed below.
[a] The order in which the League Commissioner will offer an ownerless team to the remaining league players is as follows for the offseason: The prior fantasy season's final standings, regular season winning percentage, and regular season fantasy point total will dictate the order the League Commissioner will present the forfeited roster to the reaming league owners/GM's skipping over the exiting team's owner using the upcoming fantasy draft order which employs the 3 Factor Power Ranking Draft Order.
[b] The order in which the League Commissioner will offer an ownerless team to the remaining league players is as follows during the fantasy season/playoffs: The current league standings from last place team to the first place team. If two teams have the same record the team with less fantasy points total for the season will be offered the opportunity before the other team(s) with the same record.
(4) Once everyone has been given the chance to obtain an ownerless team the result of the process will be that one team roster will be ownerless and offered to a new Brothers Keeper participant at the discretion of the League Commissioner until the final ownerless team is owned by a new player/owner/GM.
Section E. The new league participant/player/owner/GM is strongly encouraged to read the The Canons of Brothers Keeper Fantasy Football League upon entry into the league.
Section F. If an owner exits the league during league play the team that is ownerless will be maintained as an ownerless team until the prior order of conduct is completed. If the process of filling the ownership is not completed and a fantasy game is scheduled, the League Commissioner will maintain and control the ownerless team. (1) To keep league play as competitive as possible, the Commissioner will activate/start the highest weekly projected fantasy point players (as determined by Yahoo!'s weekly projections). (2) No transactions will be made for that ownerless team unless the number of injured players on the roster is high enough to not have an active fantasy player start and produce fantasy points. (3) At that time the Commissioner will announce via the League's Message Board that he will choose the highest projected weekly starter at that position by Friday. (4) Therefore the remaining league players have the ability to claim that fantasy player before Friday's deadline if they so desire.
Section G. If a team remains ownerless in the offseason prior to the Keeper Declaration or Draft, the Keeper Declaration Date and Draft may be delayed until all teams are owned. If, however, a team remains ownerless at the latest date possible for the Keeper Declaration Date or Draft, then the remaining league players will offer their vote as to which players should be kept on that ownerless team. Then the Commissioner will rule which players were kept from an ownerless team.
Recommended reading for any new league participants: Dynasty Takeover by
2007 DRAFT
2008 DRAFT
2008 DRAFT NOTES: While this is close to the draft’s results it is not entirely accurate. For example TE J Witten, a 12th round keeper, was kept by PAIN but traded to Yer X-MOM for Yer X-MOM’s 4th round draft pick. See Master Brother’s Keeper Excel Spreadsheet for keepers from 2007 as well.
2009 DRAFT
sorry this took so long.
you are allowed 3 keepers in this league and one developmental player.
a player is only eligible for developmental if they have started 3 or less games this season.
what ever players you keep this year you will have to give up that pick in the up coming draft. for example. if you drafted payton manning in the 1st round and you wanted to keep him you would automatically have payton picked in your first round.
here is the deal.... you have to pick your keepers and developmental player by a set date aprox 1 month after the superbowl. once they are picked they can not be changed. those are your players and everyone else goes into the free agent pool. I'm going to need the time to get everthing set in stone so people will know who has who and who is available.
all in all the first round was a bust this year. this draft I believe is going to be fun next year. I hope you all enjoy this, it is a work in progress, if you have questions I will answer them as best as I can.
if for some reason the player you are keeping was acquired via trade or was cut and you picked him up as a free agent he is worth what ever he was drafted the year before.
if you are keeping a player who was not drafted originally you will only have to give up the last round pick.
if you have two players that you are keeping that were drafted in the same round you will give up that round and the round above it.
for example if you have two 5th round picks that you are keeping you will give up your future 4th and 5th round picks to keep them.
if you have two 1st rounders, you will give up 1st and 2nd round. (I'm not sure what else to do there)
The draft takes longer than what we are used to but draft picks can be traded for kept players once the draft has started.
I will explain in more detail later.
I know the deadline for in season trades has occurred. I just wondered when the talks can begin for trades after the post season? I may want to see if I can trade players I'll keep for people's draft picks or something like that if that is possible.... namely, if someone communicated that they wanted someone from my team I will choose to keep that person for the trade.
Let me know and may the talks by email for those interested in folks like Westbrook and Gates etc. begin. Thanks Mitch.
you can talk trades anytime you want, but they will not be official until after the keepers have been posted.
the posting will happen aprox a month after the superbowl? haven't really figured it out yet, I need to set up a data base for everything. Redman is useful for something.
I'm on the bubble. gotta make the dance.
How does the keeper league draft order get selected for this next year? I know in the NFL the worst teams get better draft picks while the better record gives them worse draft picks. Would we do the same or would it be random in this league? I want to know if I should toss this last game or not.
And... what is the specs on the definition of developmental players. What if a person played less than 6 regular season games but played 6 or more games as a result of the playoffs? Do just reg. season games count or do we also have to account for post season games too?
Also on the developmental player, what if a guy played less than 6 games this year but played more than 6 games last year. Can he be a "developmental" player? What if he is only in his third year in this situation?
Yer X-MOM... wishing I could keep my whole team!
dude, good questions
playoff games do not count.
3 games or less started is what qualifies a develop player
draft order is set by reverse order of final finishing. which is of course yank picking last and so on. so technically you could have thrown your game to get a better pick. and I guess if someone wanted the first pick in the draft they could throw all there games and guarantee it but it would probably put a bad taste in the mouths of the rest of the managers.
week 17 is such a tough week anyway with stars getting benched and such, next year I don't know if we will play it past week 16,
I did like 8 teams in the playoffs though.
I will update more later.
Good stuff commish. Hey, when it comes to some players who played more than 3 games before this season but played 3 or less this year are they developmental or not? Think Kyle Boller or something like that? He may have had more than 3 games last year but this year started maybe 3 times. Make sense? Just trying to give an example, even if it did not meet the qualifications per se.
I too would appreciate having the championship in week 16. That's my vote. Week 17 championships are very rare these days.
I'm not so sure 8 teams in the playoffs is best, I like 6 a bit more with the top two getting a bye week or something. 8 just does not give the reg. season much to work at. I mean, only 2 teams don't make the playoffs. You have to try hard like Smoke to not make the playoffs! And since he got the #1 pick this year he does not deserve the #2 pick next year for sure. That's just crazy. But I assure you I did not toss my game on purpose. Even if I kept that kicker and got his 16 points i would not have won.
Set us up with the date we need to make our keepers known.
Hey one more thing... is there a way to make a bigger roster next year? I mean, if we are trying to keep developmental players and all, it would be ice to have larger rosters... maybe two or three more players. That too would have been nice since I would never have dropped Stallworth and G Jennings and D Anderson this year... I had all of them at one point before others had them. It makes the goal of keeper league aspect more important perhaps... so would keeping more than 3 players, bt that's another story. I am really racking my brains on who to keep. 3 Is not enough for my team!
peace out fellas!
Yank won just like I said. I have an uncanny ability to predict the success of others but not my own. That is the life I lead. Anyway, congratulations hung in there and made the right choices at the right time. are very prolific in asking questions that bring out the best for the league. It also stirs the thoughts of the Commish to do an even better job than what he does already. I think next year will even be better as we take away and add stuff to help it be more enjoyable than it already has been. It's been fun. Even though I was at the bottom, I still had fun.
Now that I've been generous with my edification to accomplishments and ideas to the parties mentioned, I want to add a quibble to a few comments presented in Pete's last post.
Since I'm invading certain points in question by making a play upon words of Pete's views, I suggest these thoughts remain buried in each brain that reads this.
I think the idea of a developmental player who plays three games or less is a good idea. I don't think the player should be called one if he was a shining star one year and the next year he's a bum. Kyle Boller is one that Pete brings up. Also, Eli Manning, Reggie Bush, and Ricky Williams. They are bums. A perfect example of using talents and abilities that are deceiving. Once their weaknesses are exposed from their deceptive immortality, they are not developing, they are diminishing. Getting huge contracts, then, when they are asked to step up to the plate in the bottom of the ninth, with bases loaded, two strikes and two outs, and "CHOKE" regularly...they should be ruled as an exposed cockroach.
Now you look at guys like Sammy Morris of New England, and Ronnie Brown of Miami, or for that matter Pierre Thomas of the Saints. They are developmental. But since Morris and Brown exceed three games, it x's them out. They are prime examples of guys that could be rising stars because they want to play and break records without the steroids. Bonds is a bum, Ricky Williams is a bum, Sammy Sosa is a all get what I'm saying? do you pick who is developmental? I suggest it be three games or less like mentioned for unknowns with talent, but also allow guys that play a half season (eight games or less), who get injured but come back the next year and overcome their obstacles. Kurt Warner(injuries), Pierre Thomas(bench warmer) etc. are ones, old and new that should be on that list of developmental.
One more thing. I did not try hard to not make the playoffs. I got gyped by having five good players get injured. Then, I lost each week to others who shined better than they normally did against others. Finally, at game time have idiot coaches make changes at the last minute benching players that are out of my control. I believe if you pick first or last, you are delivered the team you choose based on your homework of knowing who is great and who is a bum. I admit I made bad choices too and that comes into play.
I'll give an example of an ESPN league I lost in the finals for the Championship yesterday. I had picked up Pierre Thomas to replace Stecker for one of my running backs. Right at game time, Jim Henderson says on WWL Radio that Stecker was starting. In that last 30 seconds of changing the lineup, I took out Thomas and replaced Stecker back in before the lineups locked. Wouldn't you know it. Thomas was back in the lineup playing. Stecker was out for the entire game! Stecker never played one down! Thomas made 30 points. I lost the Championship to this creep by twelve points. Why? Because I didn't keep Thomas in, and listened to the radio announcement. Some things you can't control.
In this league, I had a contender but went through hard times just like Pete did getting gyped out of certain choices that quickly became out of our control. I deserve second pick with what I had to deal with....bad luck, bums and bad choices.
See ya'll next year! I'm ready to finish basketball and hockey already! I'm ready for golf and baseball. Football...what a bunch of bums!!
Smoken'.............. ranting and raving for Simba!
Next years Draft Order will be as follows....
1st pick Simba
2nd pick Yank
3rd pick Winner of Consolation bracket (5th Place)
4th Pick loser of 5th place game
5th pick winner of 7th place game
6th pick is the loser of 7th place game
7th pick winner of 3rd place game
8th pick loser of 3rd place game
9th pick loser of championship
10th pick winner of championship.
So don't throw your games fellas.
3 keepers and 1 develop
devel= starts 3 or less games in the season in our league regardless of starts in the nfl.
Next years Draft Order will be as follows....
1st pick Simba
2nd pick Yank
3rd pick Winner of Consolation bracket (5th Place) Kabooki
4th Pick loser of 5th place game Redman
5th pick winner of 7th place game Commish
6th pick is the loser of 7th place game Cake Fart
7th pick winner of 3rd place game Cleaning Lady
8th pick loser of 3rd place game Yer X mom
9th pick loser of championship Ghost
10th pick winner of championship. David Kessler Pain
So don't throw your games fellas.
3 keepers and 1 develop
devel= starts 3 or less games in the season in our league regardless of starts in the nfl.
Question: can a guy who was started all fantasy season in 2007, was kept for 2008 but started only once in fantasy in 2008 due to injury be eligible to be kept with the "developmental player" tag for 2009?
Last year is the only year that counts... the year or years before are not taken into consideration. for example... Redman could keep Tom Brady as developmental this year due to the fact that he only played in one game.
I would like all Keepers emailed to me by sunday if possible. I will give my keepers to redman and Pete before anyone gives me theirs so it will be fair. I will then give the keepers to pete to make his spreadsheet for everyone.
My email is
thanks everyone.
Is there a limit on how many players a team can pick a first round value pick? For instance, there could concieveably be a situation where there are 4 players all supposed to be 1st round picks. But obviously not all can be kept that 1st round and therefore the next 3 rounds (round 2, round 3, and round 4) are utilized for guys who all were supposed to be taken in the first round.
Just wondering.
Thanks Commish.
P.S. If anyone needs their keeper values for their teams let me know and I will post it for you or email it to you ( I have the league information from previous two years.
Question: Picks are this year's keeper values, like, since A Johnson was kept for last year at 5th round he is now 4th round being kept for 2d time. Jason Witten and Slaton are both 11th round value this year but one has to go a round earlier if I want to keep both. Hence, I'll take Slaton at 10 and Witten at 11. Suppose I only keep Slaton next year: He was supposed to be an 11th round pick this year, not a 10th round pick. Could I get him for his original value? Meaning he'd be round 10 next year if kept for a 2d year even though I kept him this year and was forced to use a 10th rd pick for him.
Answer: If you pick slaton 10th he will be a 9th next year. same with winslow if you decide to pick him there. there values are there values. You do not get two 11th round picks you get a 10th and a 11th. so who you choose in the 10th is your 10th. cool?
Question: I guess that makes sense here int his situation, which is fine, I am not offended or worried, I am just wondering how that applies to Kabooki's team. He has 3 guys who, if kept are supposed to be 1st round picks this year. He therefore has to use picks in 2d and 3d round on those other two players. suppose next year he wants to keep the guy who was in 3d round from this year. What happens then? is he supposed to be #1 like he was upposed to be this year?
Answer: There are no limits
the only thing we should monitor is if the player is worth a 1st round selection they will always be a 1st round selection until they are dropped and actually drafted somewhere else. so even if they have 4 1st rounders and they lose there first 4 rounds we need to put a mark next to the player saying they are a 1st rounder. this is the only round that is necessary to do this.
i kind of like the fact that you have to choose who to use in the more valuable slot. i think it creates more strategy. at least for the people worth less than a 1st rounder. plus it will make it easier for everyone else to know with out having to get a hold of you in future years and so forth.
No development player for me this year. That's still an option right? Not sure I have someone who qualifies if we have to take a developmental player.
1) I was wondering when is the exact date we need to declare our keepers? The Superbowl was on Sun Feb 1.
2) I am willing to entertain trade offers before and after the keepers are declared. Please email me at I have many great fantasy players at incredibly great values (e.g., Kurt Warner is a 15th round pick value; Anquan Boldin is worth a 7th round pick [if I remember correctly]; Clint Portis a 2d round pick; A Johnson a 4th round pick Steve Slaton a 11th Round pick, Chris Johnson a 15th round pick etc.). While I am willing to consider trades BEFORE the keepers are declared (because we'd have to declare our keepers then proceed with the trade I assume). I am not saying I will trade for sure. Nonetheless, if there is someone you must have for the next season and I have them I will listen to offers. I will also be glad to trade draft picks for certain players I too may be interested in. Like I said, go ahead and contact me.
3) If you would like an Excel spreadsheet with all the keepers after they are declared and in their proper draft order for 2009's season let me know. I can probably produce it in a few hours after I know who everyone's keepers are and email it to the league. I have it all set up and ready to go. I just need to enter the players and positions in their draft pick spots. It will be a good asset to use when filling out next year's draft sheet as well. You can enter in names electronically as we draft or print it off as you'd like and write in the blank spots. First and foremost I would like to know earlier rather than later who everyone keeps. Last year I found out like right before the draft. I would have liked more time to see the results as I prepare my draft.
4) To whom and where should we declare our keepers?
5) Should we think about a trophy or cash prize for next year's league? I could definitely see me paying $10 toward the prize. If we all entered $10 then we could award the champ $70 and the runner up $30. Incentive to compete for sure but very affordable.
6) I know the commish is in control but it does not hurt to ask, but would anyone consider rule changes like a bigger roster or increasing the number of keepers we can keep for next year (not this keeper session)? Just wondering. I do like the scoring set up at this time for the games themselves.
To email the whole league just hit "reply all" and you will email everyone.
I hope all is well.
Owner, GM, and Head Coach for the league powerhouse Yer X-MOM
While working on the final section of the League Canons I have come acros a few questions:
1. The order of the presentation of the ownerless team needs to be decided upon. Do we just go from 10th place up to 1st place? Or do we use the next season's draft order?I suggest going from last place to first place from the season results but it is up to you. The draft order stays the same, so if someone switchs there team, they take the new teams draft position. for example if the last place team is open, and someone wants it, they would have first pick overall. The reverse would also be true, if a last place person switches teams, then they would not have first pick, they would have the position of the team they picked up. (i didn't understand the question, hope this is the answer.)
2. When in the offseason can the League Commissioner begin to offer an ownerless team's roster to the rest of the league? I suggest after the NFL Superbowl. Especially if the team's owner quit midseason. As soon as are season is over, in fact if it happens mid season, we might be able to have someone take over that team before the end of the year... just a possibility.
3. When an owner is presented a new roster and accepts to forfeit his own roster for the new one, the newly forfeited roster gets presented to the rest of the league in the same order as in question 1. What if the owner of the roster who forfeited his team for the exiting league's roster wants to get a different roster after someone else takes his? Can he or does he only have one choice? Meaning, once a person exits the league and you decide to forfeit your team you only have one forfeiture available until the next time a a team's owner exits? Make sense? I guess if everyone passed on the "new" team available and the owner came back around he would have a crack at switching again. (but everyone would have to pass it first.)
4. If a person forfeits their roster to obtain an ownerless roster what draft pick do they have in the upcoming draft? Do they get the same draft position they would have had if they didn't forfeit their roster or do they accept the new roster's draft position the exiting owner would have had? I answered this question in question number 1... so I guess i didn't understand question 1.
5. What should be the deadline for the league to fill an empty roster... namely, how long before the draft or declaration date does this process need to be completed? As soon as possible. and whenever possible. We have to have all the teams in so..... it would need to be filled before the declaration date... but if necessary could be pushed until the draft. (might have to pick keepers for this team)
6. Any rules for the new league participant in order to join, namely, reading the league rules etc.? (it wouldn't hurt but I don't think we should force it, just strongly suggest.) They are held responsible to the rules... so if they don't read them... they will have a rude awakening.