Monday, August 20, 2012

2012 Brothers Keeper Draft: AWOL's Beware

Every year at the end of August we clear our schedules for the very purpose of fantasy football success. We study. We build spreadsheets. We chat up our fantasy league mates for info on their strategies. Some even plan the food while others plan draft scenarios sabotage. And most importantly we draft our own winning teams. We don't want anyone else claiming our season's success because they drafted for us in our absence. Do not go AWOL on your league.

Be there for the draft. Don't be embarrassed about it. If you're afraid of what your non-playing-fantasy-football friends think don't be. You like this game and drafting can be the most intense fun of the season. You work all year for a couple bucks and maybe a family vacation and you're a good father (or mother for the ladies with kids). No one is going to think you should be nominated for worst father of the year by skipping out on a few hours of "family time" to draft with some buddies one or two weekends. You put food on the table and shelter over the heads and clothes on backs. You can do this without guilt. Believe me. There are more guilty ways to spend a little spare time than being out with some fellas for a fantasy football draft.

2012 Brothers Keeper Draft
Here's the all too familiar skinny on the 2012 Brothers Keeper 6 fantasy football draft:

Date: Saturday, August 25, 2012
Time: 5:30 PM CDT
Place: Grace Memorial Baptist Church, Slidell, LA
          58516 Pearl Acres Rd., Slidell, Louisiana 70461 (Google Map)
Bring: Courage, $15, side dish, and drinks. Oh yeah, your draft info/cheatsheets... I'm not giving you mine. The money is to pay for delicious BBQ.

Don't be like the rest of Louisiana and geaux AWOL!

It'll be awesome. Don't miss it.

If you miss it, you'll be penalized with a bad 1st round pick like Colt McCoy QB... because we all just know you love Colt McCoy.

Even the man with twin babies will be there... and so can you.

If the man from Texas will be there, you're not too far to make the drive... despite high gas prices. You can do it.

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